Monday, February 13, 2012

How Does Math Relate To My World?

In class we read a story called Math in the Bath, it talked about lots of different ways in which math is used in everyday life. From all of the different examples given, it is safe to say that we use math everywhere! It is very important to understand these math concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, because we use them all the time. I want you to think of a time in the past week that you needed to use math. It can be an example used from the book such as baking, or counting sheep to go to sleep, but before you default into one of those examples, I want you to try and think of something that the book did not mention. Please write about your math experience in a full OREO style paragraph. You can post your answer in the comment section below. Please make sure to tell me what type of math you had to use in your specific situation.